Low back pain due to lifting/ bending injury, sedentary lifestyle, posture, auto or work injury, arthritis, disc herniation. Low back and hip pain Great Falls Chiropractic
Neck pain due to Facet syndrome, disc injury, improper sleeping posture, auto or work injury, general tension, compressed nerve, headaches Great Falls Chiropractic
Sciatica from muscle entrapment, disc herniation, stenosis Great Falls Chiropractic
Sprain and strains from work or auto injury, twisting, lifting or bending injury. Sprained ankles, whiplash and low back. Great Falls Chiropractic.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, hip and low back pain Great Falls Chiropractic
Tendinitis in the medial or lateral portion of the elbow, also known as golfers elbow or tennis elbow, most commonly caused from repetitive motion of the elbow seen in carpenters and roofers Great Falls Chiropractic.
Compressed nerve from myofascial, spinal, carpal tunnel, peripheral and central canal compression, Great Falls Chiropractic
Cluster, tension, migraines, cervicogenic (originating from the cervical spine), headache treatment Great Falls Chiropractic
Plantar Fasciitis, sprained ankles, metatarsalgia, tarsal tunnel syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, shin splints, compartment syndrome, immobility. Great Falls Chiropractic
Osteoarthritis Chiropractic Great Falls Montana
Middle back, neck or lower back discomfort chiropractic care Great Falls
TMJD, atlas chiropractic adjusting, Great Falls Montana Chiropractic